Wednesday 22 April 2020

spinning wheel

Yesterday I and my dad made these spinning wheels to show how light can change how we see
colours. RGB is called an additive colour system because the combinations of red, green and blue light create the colours that we see by stimulating the cone cells simultaneously in our eyes. We have shown how red and green can look yellow when spun quickly and how blue and yellow can look white. This is different to when mixing paint of the same colours. We used a fidget spinner to help it spin faster.


  1. Great work Archie, very interesting

  2. Hi Archie,
    This is very cool. Great ingenuity using a fidget spinner to make it spin faster - which clearly it did. You given lots of detail in your caption, I particularly like the fact you stated this is different when mixing paint. What was the trickiest or fiddliest part of the process?
    Mrs Gibson


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